Monday 31 December 2012

I am good with the sunrise and bad enough as with the sunset

And the people around me talk about development and frequently argues like the term Values, Ethics, Culture..... to make Change and create Just and humane society. I want to asked all how you can make it happen? and they said varied of things and some time justify with cosmetic argues, said I spend a long time in this and that so called development domain. I personally observe the things very carefully and found all either faking herself or convincing their soles that my doing and efforts are right.

Why the people don't want to accept the fact that change starts from oneself, if accept then why don't act accordingly. Is it like 9 to 5 job type of thing which carries all your responsibilities to change this society or it demands more? I am good with the sunrise and bad enough as with the sunset. This is now prevailing.

A judge who makes judgement of a person prove to be accused in ravish and found prevailing reasons are alcoholism then why don't that judge short out this root cause first. I may argue on the side of accused that he is mentally sick and not in a condition to think and act properly after consuming alcohol. so this person is mentally sick as he is not mentally conscious about what he is doing at that particular condition. so, I  may demand a mental treatment or some thing else to protect my client from death sentence.   

 I know it is difficult to carpet the world than easy to have slippers. I know you owe first to you but also you owe others. Some time and now a days I legitimately believe that I don't carries the right to teach and facilitate others if I can not teach myself. Every one is making her Epiglottis high in the recent Rape case and security of women folk. Why no body tries to make her pitch high about why this is happening? Mass throw this to government (Executive, Legislature & Judiciary). I put it to me and all the Indians because I choose to live with freedom in the name of Liberal Society and yes, in the name of so called democracy.

I really don't know what is Just and humane because what Just for me may not Just for others. But I strongly realize..... If we really want peace than primarily we have and have to fill this gap of theory practice linkage through critical self assessment and improve one self first.

Monday 26 November 2012

Why some people Lead ?

Many good articles and papers have been presented to answer this question. And yes, I am agree with them.....
But still I want to draw my voice and understanding.

Why some people or organization Lead ?
Answer is in question it self .... "Why", the purpose of doing  not only in terms of  profit but to bring change and direct the world where he wants. And become Visionary in order to fulfill his Purpose. I want to sight some examples from the life of Prophets,  Kings, Industrialists....

Prophets: Consider this from Adam to Mohammad. They were motivated from the only purpose of life i.e submission to the God's will and vision a society as a byproduct of  their purpose, what ever it may be Jewish society, Christian society or Islamic and that makes them visionary too. They were the element who direct  and molded this world from their time and still it vibrate the Earth.

Kings: What motivate Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great to put their horses and men outside Greece (Rome). Why Genghis Khan (c.1162-1227), founder of the Mongolian empire  and his sons capture 90% of world . They all marked their moves with certain Purpose i.e Rule this world in one hand with one supreme king and authority. The Vision was to establish civilization.

Industrialist: Henry Ford (1863-1947) USA automobile manufacturer, pioneer in the assembly line technique of mass production. What motivated him to produce (automobile) in mass, was he mad or he was dared risk taker or Gambler .... no he had purpose for this that every family should have a car, not only to popularize his brand but he felt with the need of his people.

So, Purpose is more important than any thing else and to achieve his vision, Blood and Sweat of Leader is one of major component to success.

 "Some are Leader because they asked 'Why' before How and What"

Thursday 19 July 2012

The world is fill with crazy people and I am one of them

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.


When do you say that some thing is learnt........???

We all know that learning is the continuous process but how could a person know that i learnt something?? Can learning be is to pass and getting good marks in exams or this means something else?

I think, it’s not all about only passing of exams ... it is only a part of leaning and under this light anything which is half learnt didn't mean that you learnt the things. So, I would only say "Little learning is much more dangerous than little knowledge.

Then someone must ask "what you personally say about learning or what is your understanding about learning"??

"A complete learning can only be possible through experiencing the things first handedly". Than you must ask me how it could be possible for every person to experience all the things personally and complete their learning??

Yes, it is possible to have experience all your inputs that everybody gather from different sources the only and foremost tragedy is the wrong mode of teaching the things which include only theoretical knowledge and focus is on getting maximum marks through mugging it up. We never relate the things from the environment, we are always in a hurry to acquire knowledge from others and accept all that person's notion true very comfortable. Isn’t it?

We never thought that Mathematics can be learnt through Language and Language could be learnt through History and History can de understood through Science and so on ...... this can only be possible through finding the relation and pattern in between these different domains of knowledge. And one can only find relation through "thinking differently" and considering all the domain as one and make relations between them for the better understanding and cover their half learning into complete learning.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Every Belief needs to be Justified and every Justification needs to be Truthified than it will become as knowledge....... And all this knowledge again converted into Paralyzed Reality based on Abstract.

Time has come to learn how to unlearn all the languages to learn our own language...

"Exams should made what the students should understand not what has student understand"

Thursday 12 July 2012

Everybody is talking and thinking that how a Just, Humane, equitable and Sustainable society can come into existence.... a lots of finance and other resources are involved into it, young professional are joining to the cause and ready to contribute to the society.... it really sounds good when you started thinking beyond yourself. At this point I have to say something.....

Are you really accepting the challenge? Because before this first of all you have to be Just, think and act like human, should ready to accept the equity and produce likeminded man power because you are going to swim against the tide.

 A student needs to have a good preparation before sitting in the exams or competition, like wise have you prepared yourself??? to bring reform in the attitude and behavior of yours.

This requires commitment, loyalty, honesty, creativity, integrity, passion, love and disagreement against unjust and unlawful. Challenge does not stop only to these rather you are going to work with a system who is unseen (government), who has all the authority against the responsibilities but no accountability in real.

You have to work with the system whose Acts contradicts each other’s.... strange but true.

At this point I am confused ... how to start with??

Should I keep mum and follow the sheep's path or else start bring change in myself to accept the challenges…… and yes, this is the toughest thing to bring reform in you.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Can i say....

a just, humane, equitable and sustainable society .... a vision by the Brain Trusts of the society ....
When I heard this, question arises HOW? WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? And a gentleman came to explain all these and says.... We are going to contribute through various approaches and to start with, we choose to secure the quality with equity in education with government.