Monday 26 November 2012

Why some people Lead ?

Many good articles and papers have been presented to answer this question. And yes, I am agree with them.....
But still I want to draw my voice and understanding.

Why some people or organization Lead ?
Answer is in question it self .... "Why", the purpose of doing  not only in terms of  profit but to bring change and direct the world where he wants. And become Visionary in order to fulfill his Purpose. I want to sight some examples from the life of Prophets,  Kings, Industrialists....

Prophets: Consider this from Adam to Mohammad. They were motivated from the only purpose of life i.e submission to the God's will and vision a society as a byproduct of  their purpose, what ever it may be Jewish society, Christian society or Islamic and that makes them visionary too. They were the element who direct  and molded this world from their time and still it vibrate the Earth.

Kings: What motivate Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great to put their horses and men outside Greece (Rome). Why Genghis Khan (c.1162-1227), founder of the Mongolian empire  and his sons capture 90% of world . They all marked their moves with certain Purpose i.e Rule this world in one hand with one supreme king and authority. The Vision was to establish civilization.

Industrialist: Henry Ford (1863-1947) USA automobile manufacturer, pioneer in the assembly line technique of mass production. What motivated him to produce (automobile) in mass, was he mad or he was dared risk taker or Gambler .... no he had purpose for this that every family should have a car, not only to popularize his brand but he felt with the need of his people.

So, Purpose is more important than any thing else and to achieve his vision, Blood and Sweat of Leader is one of major component to success.

 "Some are Leader because they asked 'Why' before How and What"